Football Club
Welcome to the SGHS Football site!
Check here for regular updates regarding, fixtures, tournaments and general SGHS football news.
General Information
- All new players are welcome.
- Training is every Tuesday 4.00pm-5.00pm, get changed at school and walk down as quickly as possible.
- Each training session is different and varies from practising key skills, to match practice.
- Appropriate footwear and shinpads should be worn.
- Training sessions will often be cancelled if there is a 'home' match or very rarely for other reasons but please see this page and check the bulletin. (no news is good news!)
- We aim to arrange and play regular fixtures against other schools.
- We want players who are committed to representing SGHS and/or want to improve their skills.
- Any questions of the above should be directed to Mr Barker or email
2022/23 Information
Tuesday Training Schedule
20/09/22 - Year 7/8
27/09/22 - Year 9/10
04/10/22 - Year 7/8
11/10/22 - Year 9/10
18/10/22 - Year 7/8
Upcoming Fixtures/Tournaments