Upload links to, or copies of, your Fairtrade games here. Please make it clear which tutor group it belongs to. Who can be the most creative?
CGU - Where in the World?
Where in the world?!?
The Rules
The aim of the game is to pin the pictures of a range of Fairtrade items onto the country where they are produced.
Split into two even teams and make sure you have pictures of each of the Fairtrade items but don’t look at them yet. Pin the map of the world onto the board.
It’s a race, so when your teacher says go, take it in turns to sprint to the board and pin the Fairtrade item you have to the board. Once you reach the board, you can look at your item and try to pin it where you think it comes from (as accurately as you can). Your team can shout instructions such as higher up or left but they can’t tell you what country or continent to put it in.
Only one person can go at a time to the board, and you must try to be both as quick and as accurate as you can. Once your team has finished, sit down so your teacher can see your team is done.
The first team to sit down gets a point for speed, but the team with the most accurate number of pins (most items nearest to their actual original places) gets a point for accuracy.
Accuracy is judged by how near you are to where the item comes from. If you are in a 5cm perimeter of the actual point, you get it right, but more than that and it’s wrong.
This game can be played with Fairtrade items as the controller - Who would have thought a banana could represent an arrow key - If you would like to have a go at this using a "Makey Makey" as a controller, please come and see Miss Smith