• Music Tuition: Expression of Interest - to be completed by Friday 12th July.

Music Tuition: Expression of Interest - to be completed by Friday 12th July.

I would like my child to join SGHS Music Tuition Scheme and start as soon as possible in September. Please email studentservices@sghs.org.uk- if you are completing this form after the start of term- September 2024.  

I understand that joining this scheme requires me to cancel any existing agreement I may have with North Yorkshire County Music Service direct with them.

Student Details

Name: *
Year Group (in 2024- 2025) *
Registration Group:
(if not known please enter n/a) *
Instrument: *
Beginner or continuer?: *
If continuer what standard?: *
Parent / Carer Full Name: *
Date *

Your child will be added to the appropriate timetable and the finance team will contact you regarding payment.

If you have any questions relating to Music Tuition please contact Ms Lakin, Student Services Manager on the main school number - 01756 707600.

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: